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Help petition LAUSD to open school playgrounds for weekend use

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

On Monday, the board heard a presentation from Ready To Help LA, a local mutual aid group that aims to help our community learn how to organize and campaign for issues important to us. Currently they are working on an initiative to get LAUSD to open school playgrounds to the community outside of school hours, as this is a great short term solution to help increase parks access for our students.

There have been programs like this in the past, but nothing currently operating. Ready To Help is pushing LAUSD to create a policy to make it easier for schools to open as parks if they wish to. Our local Alta Loma Elementary is interested and is the pilot program for this campaign.

Sign the petition

Ready To Help, with help from another local organization, Mid City is Growing, wrote a petition to push LAUSD to let Alta Loma open on weekends and then expand the program more broadly. Sign here.

Help canvass for the pilot program at Alta Loma

They will be canvassing the neighborhood around Alta Loma for signatures and to get input from direct neighbors. January 15th, January 29th, and February 12th! 10am to noon including short training and refreshments with a debrief.

Attend the town hall

Late February or early March, Ready To Help is holding a town hall within our boundaries at St. Elmo's Village. They will introduce the project and give updates on the efforts to get LAUSD to pass a policy allowing school playgrounds to be opened on weekends. Come hear about the effort


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