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Introduction to our Public Arts Ad Hoc Committee!

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Two month ago, MINC started the first Public Arts Committee in the Neighborhood Council network! It is spearheaded by Lily L, who used to be MINC's Youth Rep (position currently open FYI). Get involved on current projects, bring up other ideas, and help us spread the word!


The neighborhood of Mid-City has a rich history in the arts and culture of Los Angeles. But for a neighborhood where renowned singer Ray Charles had his recording studio, there is a lack of public art experiences for the Angeleno of Mid-City. The pandemic has impacted how we may be able to experience art and music in the form of art galleries or music festivals, but there is still a way to promote and encourage artistic experiences in our neighborhood through curating murals and creating a network of the artists and performing arts/art non-profits in Mid City. Art is an experience for everyone -- it does not matter whether you are homeless, your occupation or where you are from -- it's something for everyone to enjoy and we as a neighborhood council can create an inclusive and creative environment through art!

Current Goals of the committee

  • We are in the pre stages of getting a mural on the I-10 underpass under Harcourt and getting the electric light boxes within MINC boundaries painted. I'll share updates with you all here

  • Create spaces for public art by developing a relationship with business owners, the Department of Cultural Affairs and local artists who can collaborate to curate murals across Mid-City.

  • Establish a database of arts based organizations (not funded by DCA/LA city) and local artists so we can connect people and create a network of artists/performers.

  • Create a mural based on the history and culture of mid city. Oftentimes, public art can be associated with the changes that come with gentrification, we can change that narrative which is also often associated with exclusivity. We can show through art that mid city has always had a rich culture of the arts and we are inclusive of everybody while also promoting the importance of our longstanding community, so it is never forgotten through times like these.

  • Ensure the light boxes are painted.

  • Ensure that there are an accessible amount of mini libraries

  • Use this opportunity to create a platform for our neighbors in mid city who may not have access to express their art, or express it through tagging or graffiti. Get community involvement on a mural or outdoor gallery.

  • Get the once named MID-TOWN mural created again. It had been painted over.

Post-Covid19 / In the Foreseeable Future

Small public performances of our local artists or musicians, poets, writers, singers, dancers, actors - whoever. It could be an open mic or strictly organized. In a park or local coffee shop. Creating a space for people to express themselves and explore their artistic potential.

If you know of or are a local artist, a community member curious about this committee, have comments on how we can better create more public art projects and experiences within the boundaries of the mid city neighborhood council, or want to stay in the loop and participate in these projects, don't hesitate to join our meetings or join the contact list. Email

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PO Box 78642
Los Angeles, CA


Phone:  323-732-5085

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© 2024 by the Mid City Neighborhood Council

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