10/29/2021 EDIT: more information added beyond webinar details

Program information
The City of Los Angeles is proud to announce the launch of the BIG:LEAP (Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot) program, the largest guaranteed basic income pilot in the nation designed to lift families out of poverty. The City’s pilot will provide $1,000 a month for 12 months to approximately 3,203 eligible households across Los Angeles that are living in poverty and have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 209 participants will be selected from the 10th Council District.
“Poverty affects 2 out of every 10 residents in the City of Los Angeles — most of them people of color. Thirty-one percent are children,” said Abigail Marquez, General Manager of the Community Investment for Families Department. “$1,0000 a month can dramatically change a family’s circumstance. We know many more people will apply than can be served, but what we learn from this demonstration program can help us be better advocates to help people more effectively and efficiently to break the cycle of poverty.”
$1,000 a month can dramatically change a family’s circumstances, help families meet their basic needs, and eliminate the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. Participants will be selected at random by the Center for Guaranteed Income Research, which is based out of the University of Pennsylvania. To qualify, applicants must have at least one dependent or be pregnant, reside in the City of Los Angeles, have income at or below the federal poverty line, and have experienced hardships related to COVID-19. The 10th Council District invested $400,000 into the pilot program to increase the number of residents within the district that would be able to participate.
The application to participate in BIG:LEAP closes on Sunday, November 7, 2021.
Applicants can go online to www.BIGLEAP.lacity.org or visit their closest Family Source Center for assistance.
The Los Angeles Community Investment for Families Department (CIFD) invites you to a series of webinars about BIG:LEAP, Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot.
BIG:LEAP will be the largest Guaranteed Basic Income pilot of its kind in the country. The application period to participate starts on Oct. 29th.
This unprecedented opportunity for Angelenos in need.
To learn more, please sign up by clicking on an option below for webinars taking place during the following days and times:
Please see the attached flyer and reach out to CIFD.info@lacity.org with any questions or comments.
