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     The most recent MINC elections were held on May 25, 2021 and prior to that, June 8th, 2019. Board Member selected in the 2021 elections were be sworn in on July 1st and a recording of this is archived in the blogWe have several vacancies after this most recent election, please see below for an application to fulfill the remainder of the 2 or 4 year term.

Between Elections

After May 2021 -- until 2023 -- open seats are filled by vote during one of our public Stakeholder Meetings on the 2nd Monday of every Month. To apply, please email this application to

Currently available seats:

At-Large Rep: General

     Any resident living in or students attending school in the Mid City Neighborhood boundaries.

Region 4

     Any resident living in the region bounded by Venice Blvd and Washington Blvd to the North and South, and S Rimpau Blvd and West Blvd to the East and West. Term lasts until election in 2025.

Region 8

     Any resident living in the region bounded by Venice Blvd and Washington Blvd to the North and South, and Redondo Blvd and La Brea Blvd to the East and West. Term lasts until election in 2025.

Region 13

     Any resident living in the region bounded by Washington Blvd and the I-10 Freeway to the North and South and Hauser Blvd to the East. Term lasts until next election in 2023 (4 year term).

Region 14

     Any resident living in the region bounded by Venice Ave/the I-10 Freeway and Burchard Ave to the North and South, and La Cienega Blvd and Fairfax Ave to the East and West.  Term lasts until election in 2025.

At-Large Rep: Organizational

     Anyone affiliated with a school within the MINC boundaries, or a member of a religious group/organization with a physical address in the MINC boundaries, or a member of a service organization active* within the MINC boundaries. Term lasts until election in 2023 (2 year term).

*Note a new City ordinance that the service organization must maintain a physical address for not less than one year within the boundaries.

Merchant/Commercial Property Owner Rep

     A person who owns or operates a business property or multi-residential property within the MINC boundaries. Term lasts until election in 2023 (2 year term).

 Voting in MINC Elections

Anyone is eligible to vote in the Mid-City NC election as long as they:

  • Live, work, attend school, or claim a community interest stake in the Mid-City boundaries.

  • Are over the age of 16

Please note that you do NOT need to be U.S. citizen to vote in the neighborhood council elections.

In 2023, there is a new hybrid vote-by-mail and in-person system. ALL STAKEHOLDERS MUST APPLY FOR A BALLOT. Ballot applications open on March 26. You must request a ballot by May 18, 2021. 

Ballots for our Region have already begun to be mailed out. If you previously applied for a ballot and are concerned that you have not yet received your ballot, please contact the LA City Clerk NC Election's office by phone at (213) 978-0444 or by email at clerk.electionvbm@lacity org and staff will assist you. 


The Ballot Drop Box location for our neighborhood council is

Baldwin Hills Recreation Center
5401 Highlight Place

Los Angeles, CA, 90016


This is the closest Ballot Drop Box location to us but you can drop off at any region 10 box (purple region in map below). The City has established these locations to provide voters with a location where their ballots can be dropped off at a secure location over a 5-day period. 

Our Ballot Drop Box will be opened at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 21, 2021 and closed at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 (Election Day).  You can visit the LA City Clerk's website to learn more on their Election Day/Drop Box Info page. The map below has ballot drop off boxes labeled in red; click on the image for an interactive map. 


Voters may also return their ballots by mail.  Mailed ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, May 25th, and received no later than three days thereafter.

Ballot drop off boxes for neighborhood council elections 2021

Board seats ON Ballot in 2021

You may declare candidacy for more than one position during a single election cycle. LA City Clerk has a new candidate filing portal that is easy to navigate. If you would like a walk-through of the process, the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment has regular candidate information sessions and other resources, including very useful Candidate Information Sessions that walk you through applying and running a campaign.

The 2021 Candidate Filing Period has ended! You can see the full applicant list here (brings you to the LA City Clerk site, select "Mid City").

You can access a Candidate Filing PAPER Application and more resources at:

The portal above is easy to use.

  • You select your neighborhood council (MINC),

  • the seat you are running for (one of the following),

  • your qualifying address (either your home address or the physical address of the qualifying organization or business),

  • and an optional photo and candidate statement of 1000 characters or less. The statement and photo can be changed up until a week prior to the election. 

The address is validated by the LA City Clerk's office and you are good to go!

Seats that were open in 2021:

  • Region 4 (4 year term)

  • Region 7 (2 year term -- will be a 4 year term in 2023)

  • Region 8 (4 year term)

  • Region 14 (4 year term)

  • Youth Rep (2 year term)

  • At-Large Rep: General, 3x (2 year term)

  • At-Large Rep: Organizational, 3x (2 year term)

  • Merchant/Commercial Property Owner Rep, x2 (2 year term)


Term Lengths

**Even and odd region seats will alternate elections every two years, with Region Representative terms lasting 4 years and all other seat types lasting two years. As Region 7 is new, term is only two years initially to match election dates with other odd number regions.

Elections - regions.png


If you have questions, these folks are happy to help you:

Join the neighborhood newsletter!

Search the website:


PO Box 78642
Los Angeles, CA


Phone:  323-732-5085

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  • Instagram

© 2024 by the Mid City Neighborhood Council

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